Monday, June 14, 2010

Dinner on the Fly

I have been craving some really good pizza lately, but living in the boonies now, the closest pizza place to here is a Domino's or something equally disappointing. What's a girl to do? Make her own pizza of course!

And here's tonight's pizza margherita recipe.

16oz fresh mozzerella (cut into 16 pieces)
2 Pilsbury pizza crusts, classic
4 roma tomatoes
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
Fresh Basil, chopped
14oz can of tomato sauce

Grease two pans for the pizza crusts.
Place the dough and make into desired thickness.
Ladle on half of the tomato sauce on each pizza crust and spread around evenly.
Place half of the mozzerella cheese on each pizza followed by the tomatoes.
Sprinkle basil around and finish with half of the parmesan cheese sprinkled on each pizza.
Put in the oven at 425 and cook for 20-30 minutes, making sure the center is cooked in the dough.


The family really enjoyed this pizza with a nice cesar salad on the side!

Hope you enjoy it too :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Yuppie Grilled Cheese

I LOVE cheese. I love all kinds of cheese, Swiss, American, Gouda, Guyere, Cheddar, it doesn't matter. Any kind of cheese is good in my book. And what comes to mind when I think of cheese, a grilled cheese sandwich. It's such a comfort food and I absolutely love it! Without further ado, here are some of my favorite grilled cheese recipes that I've made recently.

On Tuesday, I was craving something rich and creamy for dinner. I stumbled upon a can of tomato soup and we had some cheese. Tomato soup and grilled cheese it was!

Grilled Cheese on Sourdough
Two slices of Sourdough bread
Two slices of Kraft American Singles
One Baby Minibel Gouda cheese, sliced
Place cheese on bread and grill in a nonstick pan with Pam (butter flavor is the best!) until golden brown, flipping once.

And yesterday, I went to the store and spent a good 20 minutes in the cheese section. I found Gouda slices and sharp cheddar slices! I picked out a nice ripe Roma tomato to go with and some pumpernickel bread.

Grilled Cheese on Pumpernickel
One slice of Gouda Cheese
One slice of Sharp Cheddar
Medium Roma tomato
Two slices of pumpernickel bread

Cut 1/3 of Roma tomato into slices and set aside.
Place one slice of cheese on bread.
Carefully put tomato slices to cover the cheese.
Put the other slice of cheese on the bread and cover with the final slice of bread.
Place sandwich in a nonstick pan heated and coated with Pam (butter flavor is the best!) until darker brown on both sides, flipping once.

I hope you enjoy these recipes! There's no end to what you can put on your grilled cheese sandwich. Get creative!

Until next time, bon apetit!